Our main meetings are on Sundays at 10:30 am and 6:00 pm. There is a Sunday School for children which takes place during the morning service. Children are welcome at all meetings. If you have a young child who is too noisy to stay in the meeting, we have a creche where you can sit with him or her. The sound from the service is relayed to the creche.
At our meetings we sing hymns and songs, read from the Bible and pray. Because we believe the Bible is God’s Word, teaching from the Bible forms a central part in all our meetings.
Our meetings are informal, with no set prayers or liturgy. You do not need to dress in a certain way to come to meetings. There are often “open times” when people can contribute a prayer, or a Bible reading or a suggestion for a song to sing. But you do not have to contribute to meetings: you can just listen if you want to.
We use the New International Version of the Bible. Copies are available at meetings, and generally the page number is announced so that everyone can follow along. We use the “Praise” hymn book as our main source for hymns, but we also have our own songbook of other songs and hymns that are not in the “Praise” book. Song and hymns in our own songbook are both traditional and contemporary. In selecting them, we have looked for songs and hymns that are up-building and faithful to Scripture.
We serve refreshments after all main meetings of the church, and people often linger for a long time talking with each other. We hope that if you visit the church you will be able to stay on and enjoy this time of fellowship with us.
On Wednesdays we meet for home groups three weeks out of four, and on the fourth week we have a Bible study at the church building. The home groups and church Bible studies give a good opportunity to discuss the meaning and application of passages of the Bible, and to get to know each other.
We meet each Monday evening for prayer at 7:30 pm, except on Bank holidays. We also have a more extended time of prayer one Saturday each term, from 9:30 am.
From time to time we hold a special course for those who want to know more about the Christian faith. These are called “Christian Essentials”. Contact us to find when the next course will be starting.